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All Purpose Grass Seed
The Only Seed
You Will
Ever Need!

Miryal® All Purpose Grass Seed is composed of a probiotic that forms mycorrhizae relationships under ground by attaching and becoming part of the cells of the turf grass roots. Miryal® turf grass roots trap mineral nutrients and water essential to support growth.
• Growing your turf grass with Miryal® All Purpose Grass seed will eliminate cost by reducing the amount of watering, and synthetic fertilizing.
• Miryal® turf grass roots are drought tolerant and can remain productive during hot dry summers.
• Once established, Miryal® turf grass roots have enzymes that break down ORGANIC carbon and nitrogen.
• Turf grass grown with Miryal® All Purpose Grass Seed will form roots with protective barriers that will suppress diseases and pathogens from entering the root zone.
• Miryal® turf grass have roots that are tightly interwoven, with smaller denser roots that promote aeration in sandy, clay based or compacted soils.
• Miryal® All Purpose Grass Seed will germinate in full sun, shade, high salt and walking traffic areas.
This will improve your lawns resistance to pests, such as Chinch Bug, June Beetles, European Chafer, Japanese Beetle, and diseases such as Snow Mold.
All Natural and Environmentally Friendly
Miryal® All Purpose Grass Seed will grow turf grass that will grow strong and resilient lawns of beauty for their lifetime.

Overseeding, Thickening and Patch Repair of Existing Lawns
1. Rake or Dethatch dead leaves and stems.
2. Top Dress lightly with topsoil, triple mix, sand or peat moss.
3. Seed evenly with Miryal® All Purpose Grass Seed in one
direction and then go over the area again from the opposite
direction in accordance with recommended seeding rates below.
4. Water regularly until new grass germinates within 3 to 5 days.
New Lawns
1. Prepare soil by tilling to a depth of 4-6
inches. Ensure a clean, clear ground area
removing all stones, lumps, and debris.
2. Work in an organic fertilizer, or triple mix
to soil area.
3. Seed evenly with Miryal® All Purpose Grass
Seed in one direction and then go over the area
again from the opposite direction in accordance
with recommended seeding rates below.
4. Rake area lightly, ensuring grass seed has a
very light film of soil over it and is planted no
more than 1/8 inch deep.
5. Water regularly with a very light spray until
the grass seed germinates within 3 to 5 days.
Take care not to disturb seed with water spray.